Sometimes, you don't need the greatest. You don't need the grandest. You can live a simple life. There are times when you don't have to experience the best either, as long as you're happy. You don't have to look for perfection, you have to look for what's perfect for you.
A simple dinner, a simple conversation, or sometimes, just sitting and not even talking. They say, "You say it best when you say nothing at all." You can even just stare at your feet, or shoes. And maybe laugh about it. You'll be surprised, it does feel good. :)
As long as you are being true to yourself. Because in the end, who are you fooling?
When I thought about starting this blog, several things came to my mind. The first thing was, our family motto, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it". So don't expect me to be a mean critic here, well, I could throw some constructive criticism once in a while. Secondly, life is too short, enjoy every minute of it. So if I am enjoying my life, why not share every memory of it, well, not everything, after all, I would like this to be rated "E" for Everybody. I can go on and on about other things, but the most important thing is that, do enjoy reading it and you are welcome to post a comment.....but remember..... our family motto :-)
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