They say he opens a window. For me, he didn't open a window, he opened a garage door. Okay I am exaggerating. But for real! When someone is patient because of the many failures that happened in her life, I think at one point she will be rewarded because she has been through so many challenges. Mr. B told me that if it doesn't flow naturally, leave it alone. Although I didn't listen to him at first, I had it at the back of my mind. Obviously, as my earlier blogs indicated, I woke up and smell the coffee.
I am very thankful that the recent chapter of my life ended so fast. It was very unpleasant. Worse that I can ever imagine. But when you have hit so low, you can most definitely appreciate the next chapter so much. You can breathe a fresher air. You can smell victory. You can say for sure you won. Hey, you are experiencing a better scenario, looking at a better view (you can take that literally), and cherishing better memories. What more could you ask for?
And what you may ask am I doing right now? I am taking it all in. With a smile of course. It may not be the perfect life, but perfect for me. Somebody up there must love me.
When I thought about starting this blog, several things came to my mind. The first thing was, our family motto, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it". So don't expect me to be a mean critic here, well, I could throw some constructive criticism once in a while. Secondly, life is too short, enjoy every minute of it. So if I am enjoying my life, why not share every memory of it, well, not everything, after all, I would like this to be rated "E" for Everybody. I can go on and on about other things, but the most important thing is that, do enjoy reading it and you are welcome to post a comment.....but remember..... our family motto :-)