When I thought about starting this blog, several things came to my mind. The first thing was, our family motto, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it". So don't expect me to be a mean critic here, well, I could throw some constructive criticism once in a while. Secondly, life is too short, enjoy every minute of it. So if I am enjoying my life, why not share every memory of it, well, not everything, after all, I would like this to be rated "E" for Everybody. I can go on and on about other things, but the most important thing is that, do enjoy reading it and you are welcome to post a comment.....but remember..... our family motto :-)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

No, it is not the wine.

What drives a conversation during dinner? I believe it is the personality of the people at that table. The personality that draws you closer to the person, as a friend or any other way. It is what makes you realize how lucky you are to have that person in your life.

Last night I had dinner with a friend that just got back in town. I haven't seen him for almost a month. I missed him. But we have been in touch with each other every day. He has a habit of teasing me. His messages make me smile. But there is something different with actual conversations. Conversations that are about a lot of things. Conversations about food, travel, work, the past, or just about anything. Conversations about loving life! I was drawn so much in the conversation because I felt it was genuine, profound and refreshing. I was drawn so much that I didn't even notice that I was actually drinking a glass of wine.

Sometimes, you have conversations with people that doesn't really affect you. Conversations that doesn't make you long for more. And maybe conversations that lack credibility. Conversations that make you say in your mind, "when will this be over?". But nobody is perfect. Some people can have more depth than others.

But one thing for sure, when you find a person that makes you long for more conversations with them, make that known to that person. I am sure they will appreciate it. And no it's not the wine.

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