When I thought about starting this blog, several things came to my mind. The first thing was, our family motto, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it". So don't expect me to be a mean critic here, well, I could throw some constructive criticism once in a while. Secondly, life is too short, enjoy every minute of it. So if I am enjoying my life, why not share every memory of it, well, not everything, after all, I would like this to be rated "E" for Everybody. I can go on and on about other things, but the most important thing is that, do enjoy reading it and you are welcome to post a comment.....but remember..... our family motto :-)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How do you wake up and smell the coffee?

Some of us are blinded by how we want to paint the picture of our lives. We  like to live in a fantasy. So much so that we ignore signs. Signs that because we want the fantasy to be our reality, we get deeper and deeper into a state of  numbness. But what's sad is that, we have no energy or courage to get ourselves out. It goes back to the point that we want to hang on to the fantasy. We want to hang on to the perfect life. We want to hang on to a life without ridicule of others.

I am guilty myself of hanging on to a fantasy. Something I know I can't have. And yet, I keep on telling myself, hang on, things will change. Even though, I know it's a shot in the moon. I am blinded by a little smile, when I know it's only temporary. I need to examine the picture. A picture that will never change.  A picture that I know, I can't compete with. I can't keep on imagining the "what if's". I need to stop dreaming.

The question is, how do you get out of the useless dream? What would it take?  A prayer? A genuine friend to tell you the truth? No matter what, it is only ourselves who can  get us out of this rut. It is us who has to have the courage. It is us who has to accept the reality, and decide what do we want to do about it.

If I only step back and look at my life, I am doing all right. I don't need the icing on the cake. I can live with "just" the cake. I really don't have to bother to wish for something I don't need. I am alive, aren't I? A year ago, I didn't know if I can even get out of bed. But look at me, I am healthy, I have a lot of friends. I have a family. My life isn't perfect, but it is perfect for me. I have done a lot of things that I know I can be proud of. I have lived with less, so I don't need the extras. I am happy with who I am, not with what I can't be.

And now that I am awake, all I need to do is just smell the coffee and enjoy it. I believe I can. It's an easy task.

And yes, I am genuinely happy!

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