It’s not everyday that a mother gets to plan an important party for her children. I mean this one has to happen. How often does it happen that you have a kid that graduates High School, a kid that graduates Junior High and a daughter that turns into a teenager? All in one week? Whew!
Yes, you can say that again! This week has been so busy with preparations. It has to be a party that would cater to all the needs of these three important kids. All of them deserve this effort that I am making to celebrate a milestone in their life. I am lucky that my family and friends are all contributing to this event. Family is driving from the Bay Area with trays of food. Friends are volunteering to help in set up and even my kids’ friends are bringing food. Most importantly, co-workers are showing their support in giving me time off.
Can we get any luckier? I am thankful for that. I don’t take that for granted. When you are showered with blessings like that, you just don’t let that go by unappreciated. So to all my family and friends, Thank you in advance!
But now, I have to get back to work. There’s menu to plan, decorations to design and invitations to send. Then next week, there’s more work. But it is all worth it!
Till next time, my friends!!!!
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